Lost and Found Box

Lost and Found Items

We are committed to customer service. That means providing honest, reliable transportation not just for people – but also their things. If you were a passenger of ours, and have misplaced an item, please check below to see if it ended up in our lost and found bin.

Items can be picked up at 660 Oleander Dr. in Merritt Island, FL 32952, or contact our customer service for more information about how to regain your missing items.

lost and found children's toothbrush

Child’s Toothbrush

lost and found memo pad

Memo Pad

lost and found hair product

Hair Creme

lost and found white sox hat

White Sox Hat

lost and found snakeskin clutch

Snakeskin Clutch

lost and found bro wallet with wings and skull

Bro Wallet with Winged Skull

lost and found teddy bear


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